Bienvenido al Centro Merkaba para la Sanación - Su Santuario de Transformación Interior y Bienestar. Adopte un viaje de plenitud y armonÃa mientras lo guiamos a través de un tapiz de modalidades de curación, sabidurÃa antigua y guÃa intuitiva. Descubra un lugar donde la mente, el cuerpo y el espÃritu se unen, lo que le permite desbloquear su verdadero potencial y encontrar el equilibrio en todos los aspectos de la vida. Estamos comprometidos a nutrir su bienestar, ofreciendo sesiones de sanación personalizadas, alineación de energÃa y guÃa espiritual. Ya sea que busque alivio de dolencias fÃsicas, curación emocional o una conexión más profunda con el propósito de su alma, nuestro espacio sagrado está aquà para apoyarlo e inspirarlo. Adéntrese en el abrazo transformador del Merkaba Center for Healing y emprenda un viaje profundo de autodescubrimiento y crecimiento. Abraza el poder de la curación y el potencial ilimitado que reside dentro de ti.
About Kendra
In my late 30s, a fall from a ladder forever altered my life. A fifth brain injury stripped away my identity as a mother, spouse, entrepreneur, and athlete, leaving me searching for healing. Conventional medicine offered limited solutions – a life on medications and disability. I refused to accept this fate and embarked on a different path. Today, I share the wisdom I've gained through a journey that led me to alternative healing methods, helping people realize the power of choice in their own healing journeys. From my earliest memories, I've seen life's challenges as opportunities for growth. My father gave me the Finnish word "SISU," a concept of inner strength. I'm here to help others discover their resilience and wisdom, even in the face of adversity. With a foundation in Occupational Therapy and explorations in energy medicine, shamanism, sound therapy, Ancestral healing and more, I blend personal and professional experiences to address the root causes of stagnation, dysfunction, patterns, and blockages. As my mentor, Kelly Clancy, wisely says, 'You can only take your clients as far as you have taken yourself.' It's an honor to guide clients on their journey to wholeness and purpose. I look forward to the opportunity to collaborate with you. I am honored, Kendra